7 Ways to Style Your Entrance to Stay
The front of your home makes the all-important first impression and welcomes you as you return from a long day of work. You want it to make you feel good as soon as you see it.
It may need a complete facelift – perhaps you need a new roof or the windows don’t open or close, or perhaps it only needs a make-over with some fresh plants and paint.
Here are some easy ideas to help lift the front of your home and make it a view you love pulling up to – be warned though, you’ll need to roll your sleeves up and get dirty.
1. Neat, clean and cared for
The first thing to do is to make sure that everything looks clean and well cared for. Edge those flower beds, add some mulch, sweep the paths regularly and clear away any cobwebs from your letter box and from around the lights and windows.
If you have a front gate it will be the first thing that people come into contact with so keep it clean, in good condition and quiet.
2. An organised garden
Whilst you could get a gardener in to help you, you can enhance this space dramatically yourself by adding some structure with evergreen shrubs or hedges.
They will make your front garden look good all year round and provide a good base to add some flowering plants for a bit of colour and texture.
If you have a front lawn make sure you keep it mown and free of leaves – this is certainly a challenge if you have trees around, but well worth the effort.
3. Pave the way
If you don’t have an established path, consider laying one to help guide your visitors to your front door.
Plain white or neutral coloured pavers look great against a green lawn but there are many options you can choose from depending on your budget and taste.
If the steps to your front door look a bit shabby, a great trick is to tile the step rises, rather than ripping everything out and starting from scratch – it’ll also save you money.
4. Showcase the history of your home
If you live in an older home, why not contact your local council and find out about the history and add a plaque to your entrance - it’ll make an interesting talking point.
5. Add a sculpture
Place a sculpture, a birdbath or an all-weather object you love in the front yard to make your front garden more interesting and to reflect your personality.
6. Spruce up the front door
A freshly painted front door and surrounding structure will help make your entrance look renewed and inviting. Door and window handles should be clean or even new.
Also by placing plants symmetrical on either side of the front door it’ll really help to make a welcoming impact. The trick here is to keep it simple and not clutter the space.
7. Add a welcome mat
Invest in a new door mat - This is a great for the rest of your home too, as people will wipe their feet before entering and will help keep your home clean. If you live in an area that gets mucky – add a boot scraper.
Style your entrance to stay checklist
There’s a bit to do here so here is an easy checklist to help you get started – We can assure you, the time you spend here will be time well spent.
Neat, clean and Cared for entrance
o Clean your gate and make sure it’s working wello Clean roofing, gutters, windows and balustrades
o Remove any cobwebs from outside your home
o Sweep driveways, paths and stairs
o Weed, remove dead plants and pick up the kids toys
Check your outside lights are working and your house number is visible
Add some structure to your garden
o Add a focal point – a sculpture, birdbath etc
o An evergreen hedge will help add structure
o Add flowering plants for colour and texture
o Mix up the plants heights for interest
Add a pathway to your front door
Consider improving privacy by adding a low wall or fence at the front of your home
Spruce up the front door
o Invest in a new front door mat
o Paint the door and surrounding structure
o Clean or replace handles
o Add plants on either side of the front door
o Add some personality outside the door – like a bench, hat stand or old box for shoes
If your home is old – add a plaque with a bit about its history
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