Moving into a New Rental Guide

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Will you be moving into a new rental property? LJ Hooker has prepared a guide for tenants wanting to make a smooth move.

Getting paperwork in order

After looking at countless rental properties, securing the tenancy for the house, apartment or townhouse you wanted and moving all your stuff in, you probably just feel like kicking back on the couch and turning your brain off for as long as possible. The hard part’s over, after all - now it’s just a matter of settling in.

If only it were that easy! In fact, the first week or so of moving in to a new place is one of, if not the, most crucial period for a tenancy. By checking the following things off your list, you’ll be able to sleep easier for the remainder of your lease.

  1. Make sure you know & understand  the terms of the lease agreement. If you are unsure of any or would like clarification please ask your property manager.
  2. Keep a copy of any documents you sign
  3. Be sure that you’ve been given a property condition report, and that you fill it out accurately and sign it. The condition report outlines the state of the property room-by-room, including any fittings and fixtures. If filled in incorrectly, or not at all, you could be liable for damages that were never your fault. Be sure to return your copy of the report to your property manager promptly, usually within a time period of seven days in most states

Depending on what state you live in, during your first few months you may receive a letter from your state rental authority to say your bond has been lodged and including your reference number.

Get behind the camera

You may have already snapped up the rental property, but there’s more ‘snapping’ left to do. Along with having filled out the property condition report, you would do well to also take detailed photographs of the house or apartment, particularly the parts noted in the condition report. This way, you have some hard evidence of the condition of the property when you’ve moved in, and will help eliminate the possibility of he-said, she said disputes.

Get connected

While it might be tempting to lie down and forget about the world for a while, this period of relaxation isn’t likely to last very long if your power, water and gas aren’t working. That’s why, just before moving in contact LJ Hooker Assist and they can help connect your utility's and ensure you are getting the best possible rates.

Along with this, it’s a good idea to arrange for any bills to be in your name.  You might also think about setting up automatic payments for the rent and bills, to simplify things even further.


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