The Different Methods of Buying a Property
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Understanding the different ways you can buy real estate is an important step when buying a property. Here is a look at the four main methods and a deep dive into buying at auction and via private treaty, the two most popular ways to buy in Australia.
We review the auction process from the beginning right through to what happens on auction day and beyond. And for private treaty's we discuss what is involved, how to make an offer and negotiate a sale to your advantage.

The Four Main Methods of Buying Real Estate
In Australia there are four main types of selling methods auction, private treaty, tender and expressions of interest. Here we take a deep dive into each method and discuss what is involved, what you need to be aware of and the pros and cons of each method.
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Buying Real Estate by Private Treaty
A private treaty sale occurs when a property is listed for sale with an asking price, the buyer makes an offer in writing to the real agent who will then present it to the vendor for consideration. Here is a detailed look at the process, the different types of offers and how you can negotiate a sale to your advantage.

Buying Real Estate at Auction
Auctions are exciting but for some can be a nerve-racking method of real estate transaction unless you understand the process. Here is an deep dive into the steps involved in buying a property at auction. From doing your research and where to look, through to what happens on auction day, the different types of bidders, auction terms, what happens if you are successful or if the property passes in.
How to Prepare and Bid Wisely at Your First Auction Day
Buying real estate at an auction is an exciting and fast-paced experience and when it is your first time it can be even more daunting. Here is a look into what you should do before auction, on auction day and some tips for buying at auction for the first time.