LJ Hooker Property Specialists Support Children’s Charities Through Bear Giveaway

Bear campaignLJ Hooker Property Specialists are supporting charities over spring through an LJ Hooker Bear hunt on the streets of Adelaide’s North East and the Gawler-Barossa region.

Over an eight-week giveaway that concludes in early December, five of the iconic LJ Hooker Bears are hidden throughout LJ Hooker Property Specialists’ marketplaces each week. Clues are posted to social media as to where the bears can be found.

A $50 prize is on offer for each bear found with winners required to post a photo with #LJHBear to the office’s social media pages.

Winners also get to choose one of five charities identified for the campaign – Backpacks 4 SA Kids, the Cancer Council of South Australia, Vinnies, RSPCA and local youth mental health service Talk Out Loud – for which LJ Hooker Property Services will also donate $25.

LJ Hooker Property Specialists’ Principal Michael Fenn said the inspiration for the community engagement program came from team members in the office.

“A lot of our staff have kids, and we wanted to do something that engaged kids and gave back to kids at the same time,” he said. “Kids have loved the LJ Hooker Bear for decades; their parents even remember it.”

When children and their parents attend the offices to receive their prize, staff explain to the kids the different charities and how they allocate their donations.

“Each one of the charities has a direct or indirect connection to kids,” said Mr Fenn. “We wanted to help kids understand more about community causes and perhaps even inspire them to contribute in their own way as well.

“Leading into Christmas, it’s an important message for kids and families to reflect on.”

At the conclusion of the community engagement program, all bear finders go into the draw to win one of two $500 grand prizes from LJ Hooker Property Specialists.

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