LJ Hooker resets its iconic brand to showcase The Difference

03 LJ Hooker brand reset posters

Australia’s most iconic real estate brand LJ Hooker has unveiled a reset as it approaches its centenary anniversary in 2028.

This reset, which includes an update to LJ Hooker’s famous logo, a refreshed tri-colour flag, new colour palette and the introduction of The Difference brand platform, will be supported by a media campaign aimed at recruiting new agents to the network and enhancing consumer consideration.

Explaining the thought process behind this reset, LJ Hooker Group General Manager Marketing Stephan Gervois said industry research showed Australian property vendors, investors and renters were struggling to differentiate between the major groups, providing an opportunity for one brand to stand out from the rest.

“Consumers say they can’t tell the difference between the competing real estate brands,” Stephan said. “They all blur into one and none of them have any unique identifiers. This is where we can be different; we can make it easier for them to choose LJ Hooker.

“The Difference is more than just a branding campaign; it is a philosophy that defines the LJ Hooker network and sets us apart. By embracing our iconic brand and signature tri-colour flag, we have crafted an unmistakable identity that stands out in the market.”

LJ Hooker consumer research revealed that the top four factors consumers consider when choosing a real estate agent are the quality of sales presentation material (81%), property marketing stock (79%), and signage (70%); alongside reviews, ratings and testimonials (69%).

“By equipping our network with a premium selection of brand assets, they will stand out from the pack when consumers are choosing which real estate agent to entrust with their property,” Stephan said. “In turn, our agents will be able to better communicate how we consistently achieve the best results, how straightforward and transparent our process is and how professional we are.

“Vendors will know LJ Hooker agents can sell with confidence."

Lindsey Burne is the Director of LJ Hooker Dickson, in Canberra’s north. As a consulting representative of LJ Hooker franchisees, he played an integral role in this reset from start to finish.

“I’m proud to represent this iconic brand and excited to present this modern, sleek and stylish reset to my consumers,” Lindsey said. “The Australian real estate industry is extremely competitive, but this reset gives us a unique opportunity to create a lasting impression on the market.”

“LJ Hooker’s brand reset is truly an agent-first platform. Through this new direction, LJ Hooker salespeople and property managers can service their clients’ needs while also being able to create a unique identity aligned to their particular market, making them a local expert supported by an established and iconic brand.”

Using LJ Hooker’s Acceler8 platform, LJ Hooker agents have access to all the tools and branding they need at their fingertips. With publishing and scheduling automations available to the entire LJ Hooker network, LJ Hooker salespeople can spend less time focusing on menial marketing and more time on building local connections, positioning themselves as trusted, local real estate professionals.

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